Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Own perspective about Oedipus Rex

Oedipus Rex is a myth. It is the story which is unbelievable and can never happen in real life. This is a story of tragedy for the main character killed his own father and married his own mother.

In my own perspective, this is not true. Maybe this can happen in real life but nobody can tell or predict it. And a child can never marry his own mother because first, I believe in the connection or feeling of a mother towards her son which is called "lukso ng dugo" in Tagalog. I also believe that physical attributes can be a true measurement for you to recognize your real parents. This story is really unbelievable and can never happen in real life.

Interference of the gods with the lives of the mortals

In my own opinion, I really don't believe and agree with this thing because first of all, we have only one mighty God, no more, no less. There is no other God except Jesus, our King and Savior.

Yes, it is true that God is interfering with our lives because He is the only one who knows what is happening and what is going to happen to our lives. But then, with the situation of polytheistic belief, their faith is divided. They cannot focus on just one god. They worship so many gods and they believe that they should please all of them in order for them to have a good life. Unlike to us, Christians, we only believe in one God and all we have to do is to have faith in Him, repent for our sins and live up the word of God. I disagree with the belief of having many gods but I believe and agree that God interferes with our lives.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Anne Frank's sufferings in Auschwitz

Anne Frank was one of the Jewish people who died during Hitler's regime because of discrimination. She and her family went into hiding after the war broke out and all of the Jewish people has to be killed. Sadly, their hiding was discovered because a Nazi woman told the German police where they were hiding. They were brought to the Auschwitz camp where they experienced a lot of sufferings. Women were forcely separated from men and that was a very hard thing for Anne to do because she is very close to her father and her father is already like her best friend. Anne cried a lot during that time. After that, women had to be disinfected, tattoed on identification numbers and had their hair shaved off. Then, they were forced to do jobs that were intended for men like diging rocks, etc. She, together with her mother and sister, also became infected with a disease called Scabies. Food was also scarce and that was the cause of the death of Anne Frank's mother.