Sunday, August 15, 2010

Teachings of Confucianism


Confucius was the founder of confucianism. His real name was Kung Fu Tze. He implemented these teachings so that people can be educated and paople will learn how to live a fruitful, meaningful and organized life. Some of his teachings are:

- The "Golden Rule" which states that "do unto others what you want others do unto you". = means that what you sow is what you reap. So if you want others to do good to you, you should also act good towards your fellowmen.
- Development of human perfection through good acts.
- basic Confucian values (example: social and ritual propriety)
- being a "gentleman" (for boys) = example: offering a seat to a lady inside a bus.
- quotes which say: "the superior man is firm in the right way and not merely firm."= means that a man with dignity and integrity is firm in what he is saying and what he is doing because he know in his own self that what he is doing is right.
"the superior man is modest in his speech but exceeds in his actions."= means that action speaks louder than words so you should speak less and act more but should be in the right way.

These are some of the teachings of confucianism.


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